2007年6月4日 星期一

搜尋引擎 作業十

1. If you use Windows 98/ME/2000/XP and Internet Exploer 5.5 or a more recent version, install the Google Deskbar on your system.

2. If you use Internet Exploer, install the Google Toolbar on your system. If you use another browser, install Google Browser Buttons on your system.

3. Make Google your home page.

4. Make Google your default search engine.

1. Convert 1 mile to meters.

2. Convert 1 kg to lbs.

3. Convert 0 degrees Kelvin to Fahrenheit or Celsius.

4. Compute the number of minutes in a 365-day year.

5. Which is larger pi^e or e^pi? The same relationship holds between x^e and e^x for all non-negative values of x except e. The exponential constant, e, is approximately 2.72 and the ratio of the cir cumference to the diameter of a circle, pi, is approximately 3.14.

6. How many lottery combinations are there if the winning combination consists of 5 distinct integers between 1 and 99, i.e., there are 99 balls in an urn and once one is selected, it isn't returned to the box.

1. 查聯合國總部的地址.

2. 查美國圖書館學會地址與電話.

2007年5月21日 星期一

搜尋引擎 作業九

1. Find out about public swimming pools that you can use when visiting Naples, Italy.
解答: 那不勒斯地中海飯店


在翻譯的框格裡打入[public swimming pools],選擇"英文至義大利文"

得到的翻譯結果為[piscine pubbliche ]


在google搜尋框打入 [piscine pubbliche Naples]
關於 piscine pubbliche Naples大約有449 頁義大利文搜尋結果

2. Find a reception hall, local caterer, disc jockey, and bartender that you can hire for a wedding reception at a small winery in Burgundy, France.

3. “I Love You” 的法文及發音

4. Find the first chapter of Le Petit Prince online and have Google translate it into English. Compare this translation with the first chapter of The Little Prince translated by Katherine Woods, which you can find online if you don’t have a handy copy of this lovely book.


google搜尋框打入[first chapter Le Petit Prince]

關於first chapter Le Petit Prince大約有30,700 頁法文搜尋結果
在google搜尋框打入[ The Little Princechapter I translated by Katherine Woods]

5. Restrict your search to France and search for pages in English on the war in Iraq.

進入google首頁的進階搜尋,在查詢框打入[war Iraq]



關於 war OR Iraq -site:www.google.fr大約有523,000,000 頁英文搜尋結果

1. Is it true that if you touch a cold halogen bulb with clean fingers, you will shorten its lifespan?


在google搜尋框打入[touch halogen bulb]

約有420,000項符合touch halogen bulb 的查詢結果

2. Are 75% of Americans chronically dehydrated?


在google搜尋框打入 [Americans chronically dehydrated]

約有96,500項符合 Americans chronically dehydrated 的查詢結果

3. Are you less likely to get dental cavities if you drink fluoridated water?


google搜尋框打入 ["fluoridated water"dental cavities]

約有58,900項符合"fluoridated water"dental cavities 的查詢結果

4. Is clumping kitty litter a major health hazard to cats?


在google搜尋框打入 ["clumping litter" hazardous]

約有862項符合"clumping litter" hazardous的查詢結果

5. What are the benefits and drawbacks of a flu(influenza) shot?

在google搜尋框打入 [influenza]


點選 Key Facts

6. Does microwaving food in plastic containers or plastic cling wrap release harmful chemicals into the food?Check whether this is an urban legend.



在google搜尋框打入[microwave cooking plastic wrap]

約有485,000項符合microwave cooking plastic wrap的查詢結果

選擇Urban Legends Reference Pages: Microwaving Plastic Releases Cancer ...http://www.snopes.com/medical/toxins/cookplastic.asp

2007年5月14日 星期一

搜尋引擎 作業八

1. According to the dictionary, what is an “urban legend”?

解答: a story that appears mysteriously and spreads spontaneously in various forms and is usually false; contains elements of humor or horror and is popularly believed to be true

在GOOGLE搜尋框內打入define:urban legend

在奇摩字典打urban legend

2. Find the history of the word ‘chivalry.’ From which language does it come and from what word?

在google搜尋框打入history of the word ‘chivalry’

約有645,000項符合history of the word ‘chivalry’

3. Does Google provide a link to dictionary for definitions of terms in languages other than English?
解答: 中文(簡體) 中文(繁體) 俄文 義大利文 英文 的 catalog定義
搜尋過程: 在google搜尋框打入define: catalog
4. What does ‘zeitgeist’ mean? What’s on the Google Zeitgeist page www.google.com/press/zeitgeist.html ?
解答: A German term meaning "spirit of the time." It refers to the moral and intellectual trends of a given era. Examples of zeitgeist include the preoccupation with the more morbid aspects of dying and death in some Jacobean literature, especially in the works of dramatists Cyril Tourneur and John Webster, and the decadence of the French Symbolists.
搜尋過程: 在google搜尋框打入


1. After Nelson Blachman received reprints of a paper he wrote for the June 2003 issue of the Mathematical Scientist, he wanted to discover what other sorts of papers appear in the same issue of this semiannual publication. Find a table of contents for The Mathematical Scientist for Nelson.
搜尋過程: 在google搜尋框打入

2. Compare the dates on the current page with the dates on the cached version for the following organizations:
˙New York Times
˙Java Pro Magazine
˙North Texas Food Bank

搜尋過程: 在google搜尋框打入
3. Check the dates that the Wayback Machine archived versions of Google Guide

2007年5月7日 星期一

搜尋引擎 作業七

1. On National Public Radio (NPR), you heard a researcher at Stanford University whose name sounded like Jeff Naumberg and want to send him email. What is Jeff's email address?

在Google 首頁都搜尋框打入[NPR Stanford University Jeff Naumberg ]

約有77項符合NPR Stanford University Jeff Naumberg 的查詢結果


2. From Google's home page.
www.google.com , search for "french military victories" and then click on the I'm Feeling Lucky button to see Albino Blacksheep's parody of a Google spelling correction result.

Note:Though the page looks like a Google page, if you enter another query in the search box, it will be processed by the hosting site, listed in your browser's address box.


在Google 首頁的 I'm Feeling Lucky 搜尋[french military victories]

會出現"Did you mean: french military defeats "


2007年4月15日 星期日

搜尋引擎 作業六

1. What are some home remedies for getting rid of ants?

解答: 網頁中提供許多趕走螞蟻的方法,如利用白粉筆或辣椒話現在螞蟻出沒的地方
使用google查詢[getting rid of ants]

約有609,000項符合getting rid of ants的查詢結果

2. Find facts about declawing cats.

腳趾都清洗及消毒. 準備止血帶. 將腳趾準備切口僅次於爪 準備接受檢查和手術.


使用google查詢[declawing cats]

約有304,000項符合declawing cats的查詢結果

3. What is the Google’s privacy policy? How do I stop my previous appearing when I type in a new search term?

解答: Google 隱私權政策闡述在您使用 Google 産品和服務時我們如何處理個人資料,包括您在使用個人化搜尋時提供的資料。
您需要一個 Google 帳戶才能使用個人化搜尋。在建立 Google 帳戶時,Google 會要求您提供一些個人資料,包括您的電子郵件地址和密碼,以用於保護您的帳戶不受未經授權的進入。您可以通過 Google 帳戶進入我們多項需要登記的服務。
個人化搜尋會記錄有關您在 Google 上的活動的資料,包括您的搜尋查詢、您點擊的搜尋結果以及您搜尋的日期和時間,以改進您的搜尋結果和顯示您的搜尋歷史記錄。一段時期後,該服務可能會利用您在 Google 上活動的更多資料或是您提供給 Google 的其他資料以爲您提供更佳的搜尋結果。
搜尋過程:使用GOOGLE搜尋[Google’s privacy policy]

約有119,000,000項符合Google’s privacy policy的查詢結果

4. Some movie stars attend Botox parties. What goes on at such parties and why do they attend? Which stars have used Botox?

解答: BOTOX® injections utilize Botulinum Toxin Type A to treat wrinkles. BOTOX® Injections were originally slated to treat neurological disorders; today, BOTOX® injections are widely used to remove facial lines, especially frown lines, "crow's feet," and forehead lines.

Sylvester Stalone
Ryan Seacrest
Elizabeth Hurley
Geri Halliwell
Greta Van Susteren
Joan Rivers
Kim Cattrall
Kylie Minogue
Elizabeth Taylor
Cliff Richard
Annie Potts
Mickey Rourke
Leslie Ash
使用google查詢[Botox parties movie stars ]

約有386,000項符合Botox parties movie stars 的查詢結果

5. When was Nina Totenberg, National Public Radio’s (NPR) legal affairs correspondent , born, where was she educated, what degrees does she have, Did she attend law school?

解答: 生於 January 14, 1944 . 就讀 Boston University

使用google搜尋[Nina Totenberg]
約有78,300項符合Nina Totenberg的查詢結果

6. When you search Google for URL, such as http://www.guardian.co.uk/, what links are included with your results?

解答: 大約有66,500項結果連結至http://www.guardian.co.uk/



7. What country has the domain code .at?

解答: Austria

使用google搜尋[domain code at]
約有104,000,000項符合domain code at的查詢結果

8. What country has the domain code .bm?

解答: Bermuda

使用google搜尋[domain code bm]
約有1,020,000項符合domain code bm的查詢結果

9. Run several queries on Soople。

解答:在soople的music中輸入jay z,出現相關歌手jay z的網頁
在soople的Smart calculator中輸入3*9+5-1/2,則出現運算後的答案


在soople的music中輸入jay z

在soople的Smart calculator中輸入3*9+5-1/2

10. Run several queries simultaneously using Google Blaster.
